Does Street Appeal Affect What Buyers Think My House is Worth?

When it comes to selling your home, first impressions matter.

One of the most significant factors that can influence a buyer's perception of your home's value is its street appeal. But how exactly does street appeal affect what buyers think your house is worth, and what can you do to enhance it?

The Impact of Street Appeal on Perceived Value

1. First Impressions Last: The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers see. A well-maintained and attractive facade can set a positive tone for the rest of the viewing experience. Conversely, a neglected exterior can deter buyers before they even step inside.

2. Psychological Influence: Buyers often associate the condition of the exterior with the condition of the interior. A home that looks well-cared for on the outside suggests that the inside is equally well-maintained, creating a sense of trust and confidence in the property's overall quality.

3. Neighbourhood Aesthetics: The appearance of your home contributes to the overall look and feel of the neighborhood. A home with good street appeal can enhance the desirability of the entire area, which in turn can positively influence your home's value.

4. Competitive Edge: In a competitive market, homes with strong street appeal stand out. Buyers are more likely to remember and favour properties that caught their eye from the street, giving you a crucial advantage.

Enhancing Your Home’s Street Appeal

1. Landscaping: Invest in landscaping to ensure your lawn is well-kept, shrubs are trimmed, and flowers are blooming. Even simple additions like potted plants can make a big difference.

2. Exterior Cleaning: Power wash the exterior, clean the windows, and make sure the driveway and walkways are free of debris. A clean home is a welcoming home.

3. Paint and Repairs: A fresh coat of paint can do wonders. Address any visible repairs such as cracked sidewalks, loose gutters, or damaged fences to ensure your home looks well-maintained.

4. Lighting: Outdoor lighting not only enhances the beauty of your home but also provides security. Well-placed lighting can highlight architectural features and landscaping.

5. Front Door and Porch: Make your front door a focal point with a bold color or stylish hardware. Ensure your porch is inviting with clean, comfortable seating and tasteful decor.


Street appeal plays a crucial role in shaping buyers' perceptions of your home's value. By investing in your home's exterior, you can create a lasting first impression that attracts buyers and potentially increases your home's market value.

Frequently asked Questions

  • The principal of your home loan is the money you borrow. The interest is the cost the bank charges you to borrow this money.

  • Where you only pay the interest for a certain period, without paying back any of the borrowed money (the principal). After this period ends, you will start paying both the principal and the interest.

  • A Construction loan is a short-term loan for building a new home. The money is given in stages as the construction progresses, and you only pay interest during this time. Once the construction is complete, the loan can turn into a regular mortgage.

  • A Bridging loan is short-term loan that helps you buy a new property before selling your current one. It covers the gap between buying a new home and getting money from selling your old one.

  • A variable rate home loan is a home loan with an interest rate that can change over time, meaning your repayments can go up or down based on the market interest rates. Variable rate home loans allow greater flexibility where typically extra repayments can be made without incurring a fee from the lender.

  • A fixed rate home loan is a home loan which consists of an interest rate that stays the same for a set period. After that set period has expired, the rate can switch over to a variable interest rate. If you are on a fixed rate and need to discuss what happens next, we can assist you find the best rate in the market.

  • LMI stands for Lenders Mortgage Insurance. It's a type of insurance that protects the lender if you can't repay your home loan. LMI is usually required if your deposit is less than 20% of the property's value.

  • Borrowing power is the amount of money a lender is willing to lend you for a home loan. It depends on your income, expenses, debts, and other financial factors.

  • Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR) is the ratio of your loan amount to the value of the property you're buying, expressed as a percentage. High LVRs can lead to higher interest rates, the need for Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI), and greater financial risk if property values decrease.

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